Services Offered By Replacement Toilet Seats
At we aim to assist you when selecting your next toilet seat. So we have put together some useful information to assist you in measuring the seat.
Measure your seat height and width
- Check if you have a standard oval bowl pan
- Check what style and finish of hinge you have and want this time
- Check the colour and or description of your existing seat
- Check for any manufacturers detail on the seat
This information will help you selecting your replacement seat. If you are not able to identify or cannot see the seat you are looking for use our Feeedback box below and send us a photo together with any useful information and we will do our best to identify it for you.

How to best measure the toilet seat.
Manufacturers and most of our measurements shown here at replacementtoiletseats assume measurements were taken from the toilet pan rather than off the seat.
These measurements are:
Length - centre line of hinge hole to front of toilet pan.
Width - at the pans widest point.
Hinge hole distance - assumes a measurement mid hole to mid hole from toilet pan.
Example shown is of a Bemis 5000 range seat.
Once you have bought and received your replacement toilet seat we have detailed below some helpful hints on fitting and maintaining your new toilet seat.
In all events we at will always recommend that you refer to the manufacturers information and instruction regarding the fitting and maintenance of your new replacement toilet seat.
If you are unsure about fitting this seat please contact a plumber or installer to assist you.When fitting your seat consider the following to ensure you are able to acheive a good fit for your new toilet seat. This will prevent seat wobbling occuring and prevent the shortening of the seats life or early failure of the hinge.
- Before fitting the new seat ensure the toilet pan area is clean.
- Remove any build up of limescale or similar which will then allow the seat seals to lay clean on the pan properly.
- Ready the seat for fitting and ensure the brackets are turned around so once fitted it does not appear too short for the pan.
- Some seats have multi hole points in the hinge plate to fit the screw into, so try these out to find the best fitting position for your seat onto the pan.
- Ensure any back screws are tight before tightening your seat down.
- Adjust your seat hinge to hand tight and avoid over tightening
- Maintain your seat by checking its hinge and fittings are firm regularly.
- Never stand on the toilet seat to reach for something as this will damage your seat.
We hope this is of use to you but please note the information we have provided here is for assistance and information only. We would always recommend that you follow the guidance of the manufacturer and their recomendation and instruction when fitting and maintaining your new replacement toilet seat.
If you are unsure about fitting this seat always contact a plumber or installer to assist you.